Learning Communities | Junior

Junior Learning Community

(Years 1 & 2)

In the Junior Learning Community we facilitate a 2 hour Literacy block each day consisting of reading and writing. Students engage in a variety of learning activities based on reading and comprehension strategies including phonics, phonological awareness, and speaking and listening

Our students explore a variety of writing genres and work through the writing process to plan, draft, edit, revise and publish written pieces. We additionally engage within the Writer’s notebook model that is a creative framework used to develop writing skills by focusing in on passions and interests. 

Students within the junior learning area participate in a 1 hour daily Numeracy block with a dedicated focus on all key Mathematical areas such as number, measurement and geometry and or statistics and probability

In these sessions students use a variety of hands-on and real-life maths problems to develop their Mathematical and problem solving skills. We believe in our students applying their knowledge and skills in problem based learning within Mathematics. 

Each term students investigate a topic that forms part of our Integrated Studies Inquiry unit. These are based on the curriculum areas of Science, History, Personal and Social Capabilities, Humanities and Digital Technologies.

A major focus in the Junior Learning Area is developing independent learners who are inquisitive, challenge themselves and celebrate success. We offer this through a variety of Wellbeing programs including;


  • Zones of Regulation
  • How to use a Growth Mindset, 
  • Building Resilience
  • Practising the School Values of Respect (Respect for Learning, Self, Environment and Others) 
  • Displaying G.E.M (Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness).